Common Core Math Question of the Week

Photo Credit: ActiVision®…~
Allen Mentoring has you covered on the road to the Common Core exams this spring. We understand it’s tough these days as a student who comes home with 3 hours of homework every night. Overworking is not in the AM study book, so don’t expect any 50-question worksheets on this site. Instead, we believe that small, bite-sized steps are the best way to crack through any challenge.
Thus it gives us great pleasure to introduce the Common Core Math Question of the Week! We will be posting one core-aligned math question every week for grades 3-8, so that you can stay on top of your studying for those grueling exams this year. The questions will go up every Thursday and we will reveal the answers on that same page the following Sunday. Get instantly notified of our results by liking our Facebook page.
Don’t think of the CCQW as just another question bank. We will be providing helpful resources below each question, in the form of video lectures and extra problem sets. You can review these questions on any device, any place, any time. We know our students are always itching for more knowledge!
Oh and one more thing: we do not expect to write all the answers ourselves. We encourage and look forward to our readers helping the cause by taking a picture or recording a video explanation to every question. Under each post, we will provide a button to submit your answer. The top responses will be highlighted on our Facebook page to inspire the rest of our problem solvers. It’s up to our students to take control of their studies this year – with great power comes great responsibility.
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