Category Archive for "Science"

The Science of Global Warming

The Science of Global Warming

June 23, 2014

80 degrees in April? Global warming! It’s a common trope nowadays to throw in the climate change bomb in any conversation relating…

Creating the Foundations of Life from Nothing

Creating the Foundations of Life from Nothing

April 21, 2014

  A few weeks ago, I posted an article explaining the history of Mendelian genetics. I concluded it by detailing the modern…

A Short History of Genetics

A Short History of Genetics

March 31, 2014

We take for granted the process of passing on our genetic information from parent to offspring. Unsurprisingly, this wasn’t the case about…

What is Gravity?

What is Gravity?

February 10, 2014

    It’s 8 AM. You sit up in bed, eyes half-closed, and reach over to grab your phone to check your…

How to Focus in the 21st Century

How to Focus in the 21st Century

February 3, 2014

Continuing on last week’s post regarding the change in study habits through the generations, I want to go into several ways to…

Focusing is Not What it Used to Be

Focusing is Not What it Used to Be

January 27, 2014

Take a few seconds to think back to a typical evening in 9th grade, the most important school year according to research…

3 Famous Mentor and Apprentice Pairings

3 Famous Mentor and Apprentice Pairings

January 20, 2014

  1. Aristotle and Alexander the Great Apprentice Accomplishments Alexander the Great was the King of Macedon and reputably one of the…